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SECTION 2. Codex Standards for Fatsand Oils from Vegetable Sources Codex Standard for Named VegetableOils (CODEX-STAN 210 - 1999) Codex Standard for Olive Oil, Virgin and Refined and for Refined Olive-Pomace Oil (CODEX STAN 33-1981, Rev. 1-1989) Codex Standard for Named VegetableOils (CODEX-STAN 210 - 1999)The Appendix to this Standard is intended for voluntaryapplication by commercial partners and not for application bygovernments.1. SCOPEThis Standard applies to the vegetable oils described inSection 2.1 presented in a state for human consumption.2. DESCRIPTION2.1 Product Definitions(Note: synonyms are in brackets immediately following the nameof the oil)2.1.1 Arachis oil (peanut oil; groundnut oil) isderived from groundnuts (seeds of Arachis hypogaea L.).2.1.2 Babassu oil is derived from the kernel of thefruit of several varieties of the palm Orbignya spp.2.1.3 Coconut oil is derived from the kernel of thecoconut (Cocos nucifera L.).2.1.4 Cottonseed oil is derived from the seeds ofvarious cultivated species of Gossypium spp.2.1.5 Grapeseed oil is derived from the seeds of thegrape (Vitis vinifera L.).2.1.6 Maize oil (corn oil) is derived from maize germ(the embryos of Zea mays L.).2.1.7 Mustardseed oil is derived from the seeds ofwhite mustard (Sinapis alba L. or Brassica hirta Moench), brownand yellow mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czernajew and Cossen) and ofblack mustard (Brassica nigra (L.) Koch).2.1.8 Palm kernel oil is derived from the kernel of thefruit of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis).2.1.9 Palm oil is derived from the fleshy mesocarp ofthe fruit of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis).2.1.10 Palm olein is the liquid fraction derived fromthe fractionation of palm oil (described above).2.1.11 Palm stearin is the high-melting fractionderived from the fractionation of palm oil (described above).2.1.12 Rapeseed oil (turnip rape oil; colza oil;ravison oil; sarson oil: toria oil) is produced from seeds of Brassicanapus L., Brassica campestris L., Brassica juncea L. andBrassica tournefortii Gouan species.2.1.13 Rapeseed oil - low erucic acid (low erucic acidturnip rape oil; low erucic acid colza oil; canola oil) is produced from lowerucic acid oil-bearing seeds of varieties derived from the Brassicanapus L., Brassica campestris L. and Brassica juncea L.,species.2.1.14 Safflowerseed oil (safflower oil; carthamus oil;kurdee oil) is derived from safflower seeds (seeds of Carthamustinctorius L.).2.1.15 Safflowerseed oil - high oleic acid (high oleicacid safflower oil; high oleic acid carthamus oil; high oleic acid kurdee oil)is produced from high oleic acid oil-bearing seeds of varieties derived fromCarthamus tinctorius L.2.1.16 Sesameseed oil (sesame oil; gingelly oil; benneoil; ben oil; till oil; tillie oil) is derived from sesame seeds (seeds ofSesamum indicum L.).2.1.17 Soya bean oil (soybean oil) is derived from soyabeans (seeds of Glycine max (L.) Merr.).2.1.18 Sunflowerseed oil (sunflower oil) is derivedfrom sunflower seeds (seeds of Helianthus annuus L.).2.1.19 Sunflowerseed oil - high oleic acid (high oleicacid sunflower oil) is produced from high oleic acid oil-bearing seeds ofvarieties derived from sunflower seeds (seeds of Helianthus annuusL.).2.2 Other Definitions2.2.1 Edible vegetable oils are foodstuffs whichare composed primarily of glycerides of fatty acids being obtained only fromvegetable sources. They may contain small amounts of other lipids such asphosphatides, of unsaponifiable constituents and of free fatty acids naturallypresent in the fat or oil.2.2.2 Virgin oils are obtained, without alteringthe nature of the oil, by mechanical procedures, e.g. expelling or pressing, andthe application of heat only. They may have been purified by washing with water,settling, filtering and centrifuging only.2.2.3 Cold pressed oils are obtained, withoutaltering the oil, by mechanical procedures only, e.g. expelling or pressing,without the application of heat. They may have been purified by washing withwater, settling, filtering and centrifuging only.3. ESSENTIAL COMPOSITION AND QUALITY FACTORS3.1 GLC Ranges of Fatty Acid Composition (expressed aspercentages)Samples falling within the appropriate ranges specified inTable 1 are in compliance with this Standard. Supplementary criteria, forexample national geographical and/or climatic variations, may be considered, asnecessary, to confirm that a sample is in compliance with theStandard.3.1.1 Low-erucic acid rapeseed oil must not containmore than 2% erucic acid (as % of total fatty acids).3.1.2 High oleic acid safflower oil must contain notless than 70% oleic acid (as a % of total fatty acids).3.1.3 High oleic acid sunflower oil must contain notless than 75% oleic acid (as % of total fatty acids).3.3 Slip PointPalm oleinnot more than 24CPalm stearinnot less than 44C4. FOOD ADDITIVES4.1 No food additives are permitted in virgin or cold pressedoils.4.2 FlavoursNatural flavours and their identical synthetic equivalents,and other synthetic flavours, except those which are known to represent a toxichazard.4.3 AntioxidantsMaximum Level304Ascorbyl palmitate)500 mg/kg305Ascorbyl stearate)individually or in combination306Mixed tocopherols concentrateGMP307Alpha-tocopherolGMP308Synthetic gamma-tocopherol GMP309Synthetic delta-tocopherol GMP310Propyl gallate100 mg/kg319Tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ)120 mg/kg320Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)175 mg/kg321Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)75 mg/kgAny combination of gallates, BHA and BHT and/or TBHQ200 mg/kg but limits above not to be exceeded389Dilauryl thiodipropionate 200 mg/kg4.4 Antioxidant Synergists Maximum Level 330 Citric acid GMP 331 Sodium citrates GMP 384 Isopropyl citrates ) 100 mg/kg individually or in combination Monoglyceride citrate ) 4.5 Anti-foaming Agents (oils for deepfrying)Maximum Level900aPolydimethylsiloxane10 mg/kg5. CONTAMINANTS5.1 Heavy MetalsThe products covered by the provisions of this Standard shallcomply with maximum limits being established by the Codex AlimentariusCommission but in the meantime the following limits will apply:Maximum permissible concentrationLead (Pb) 0.1 mg/kgArsenic (As)0.1 mg/kg5.2 Pesticide ResiduesThe products covered by the provisions of this Standard shallcomply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex AlimentariusCommission for these commodities.6. HYGIENE6.1 It is recommended that the products covered by theprovisions of this Standard be prepared and handled in accordance with theappropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice - GeneralPrinciples of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and other relevantCodex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.6.2 The products should comply with any microbiologicalcriteria established in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment andApplication of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).7. LABELLING7.1 Name of the FoodThe product shall be labelled in accordance with the CodexGeneral Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev.1-1991). The name of the oil shall conform to the descriptions given in Section2 of this Standard.Where more than one name is given for a product in Section2.1, the labelling of that product must include one of those names acceptable inthe country of use.7.2 Labelling of Non-retail ContainersInformation on the above labelling requirements shall be giveneither on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name ofthe food, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer orpacker shall appear on the container.However, lot identification and the name and address of themanufacturer or packer may be replaced by an identification mark, provided thatsuch a mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.8. METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING8.1 Determination of GLC Ranges of Fatty AcidCompositionAccording to IUPAC 2.301, 2.302 and 2.304 or ISO 5508: 1990and 5509: 2000 or AOCS Ce 2-66, Ce 1e-91 or Ce 1f-96.8.2 Determination of Slip PointAccording to ISO 6321: 1991 and Amendment 1: 1998 for alloils, or AOCS Cc 3b-92 or Ce 3-25 (97) for palm oils only.8.3 Determination of ArsenicAccording to AOAC 952.13, IUPAC 3.136, AOAC 942.17, or AOAC985.16.8.4 Determination of LeadAccording to IUPAC 2.632, AOAC 994.02 or ISO 12193: 1994 orAOCS Ca 18c-91.Table 1: Fatty acid composition of vegetable oils asdetermined by gas liquid chromatography from authenticsamples[2] (expressed as percentage oftotal fatty acids) (see Section 3.1 of the Standard) Fatty acid Arachis oil Babassu oil Coconut oil Cottonseed oil Grapeseed oil Maize oil Mustardseed oil Palm oil Palm kernel oil Palm olein C6:0NDNDND-0.7NDNDNDNDNDND-0.8NDC8:0ND2.6-7.3 4.6-10.0NDNDNDNDND2.4-6.2NDC10:0ND1.2-7.65.0-8.0 NDNDNDNDND2.6-5.0NDC12:0ND-0.140.0-55.045.1 53.2 ND-0.2NDND-0.3NDND-0.545.0-55.00.1-0.5C14:0ND-0.111.0-27.016.8-21.00.6-1.0ND-0.3ND-0.3ND-1.00.5-2.014.0-18.00.5-1.5C16:08.0-14.05.2-11.07.5-10.221.4-26.45.5-11.08.6-16.50.5-4.539.3-47.56.5-10.038.0-43.5C16:1ND-0.2NDNDND-1.2ND-1.2ND-0.5ND-0.5ND-0.6ND-0.2ND-0.6C17:0ND-0.1NDNDND-0.1ND-0.2ND-0.1NDND-0.2NDND-0.2C17:1ND-0.1NDNDND-0.1ND-0.1ND-0.1NDNDNDND-0.1C18:01.0-4.51.8-7.42.0-4.02.1-3.33.0-6.5ND-3.30.5-2.03.5-6.01.0-3.03.5-.5.0C18:135.0-699.0-20.05.0-10.014.7-21.712.0-28.020.0-42.28.0-23.0 36.0-44.012.0-19.039.8-46.0C18:212.0-43.01.4-6.61.0-2.546.7-58.258.0-78.034.0-65.610.0-24.09.0-12.01.0-3.510.0-13.5C18:3ND-0.3NDND-0.2ND-0.4ND-1.0ND-2.06.0-18.0 ND-0.5ND-0.2ND-0.6C20:01.0-2.0NDND-0.20.2-0.5ND-1.00.3-1.0ND-1.5ND-1.0ND-0.2ND-0.6C20:10.7-1.7NDND-0.2ND-0.1ND-0.30.2-0.65.0-13.0ND-0.4ND-0.2ND-0.4C20:2NDNDNDND-0.1NDND-0.1ND-1.0NDNDNDC22:01.5-4.5NDNDND-0.6ND-0.5ND-0.50.2-2.5ND-0.2ND-0.2ND-0.2C22:1ND-0.3NDNDND-0.3ND-0.3ND-0.322.0-50.0NDNDNDC22:2NDNDNDND-0.1NDNDND-1.0NDNDNDC24:00.5-2.5NDNDND-0.1ND-0.4ND-0.5ND-0.5NDNDNDC24:1ND-0.3 NDNDNDNDND0.5-2.5 NDNDND Fatty acid Palm stearin Rapeseed oil Rapeseed oil (low erucic acid) Safflowerseed oil Safflowerseed oil (high oleic acid) Sesameseed oil Soyabean oil Sunflowerseed oil Sunflowerseed oil (high oleic acid) C6:0NDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDC8:0NDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDC10:0 NDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDC12:00.1-0.5NDNDNDND-0.2NDND-0.1ND-0.1NDC14:01.0-2.0ND-0.2ND-0.2ND-0.2ND-0.2ND-0.1ND-0.2ND-0.2ND-0.1C16:048.0-74.01.5-6.02.5-7.05.3-8.03.6-6.07.9-12.08.0-13.55.0-7.62.6-5.0C16:1ND-0.2ND-3.0ND-0.6ND-0.2ND-0.20.1-0.2ND-0.2 ND-0.3ND-0.1C17:0ND-0.2ND-0.1ND-0.3ND-0.1ND-0.1ND-0.2ND-0.1ND-0.2ND-0.1C17:1 ND-0.1ND-0.1ND-0.3ND-0.1ND-0.1ND-0.1ND-0.1ND-0.1ND-0.1C18:03.9-6.00.5-3.10.8-3.01.9-2.91.5-2.44.8-6.12.0-5.4 2.7-6.52.9-6.2C18:115.5-36.08.0-60.051.0-70.08.4-21.370.0-83.735.9-42.317-3014.0-39.475-90.7C18:23.0-10.011.0-23.015.0-30.067.8-83.29.0-19.941.5-47.948.0-59.048.3-74.02.1-17C18:3ND-0.55.0-13.05.0-14.0ND-0.1ND-1.20.3-0.44.5-11.0ND-0.3ND-0.3C20:0ND-1.0ND-3.00.2-1.20.2-0.40.3-0.60.3-0.60.1-0.60.1-0.50.2-0.5C20:1ND-0.43.0-15.00.1-4.30.1-0.30.1-0.5ND-0.3ND-0.5ND-0.30.1-0.5C20:2 NDND-1.0ND-0.1NDNDNDND-0.1NDNDC22:0ND-0.2ND-2.0ND-0.6ND-1.0ND-0.4ND-0.3ND-0.70.3-1.50.5-1.6C22:1ND> 2.0-60.0ND-2.0ND-1.8ND-0.3NDND-0.3ND-0.3ND-0.3C22:2NDND-2.0ND-0.1NDNDNDNDND-0.3NDC24: 0NDND-2.0ND-0.3ND-0.2ND-0.3ND-0.3ND-0.5ND-0.5ND-0.5C24:1NDND-3.0ND-0.4ND-0.2ND-0.3NDNDNDNDND - non detectable, defined as 0.05%.APPENDIX. OTHER QUALITY AND COMPOSITIONFACTORSThis text is intended for voluntary application by commercialpartners and not for application by governments.1. QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS1.1 The colour, odour and taste of each productshall be characteristic of the designated product. It shall be free from foreignand rancid odour and taste.Maximum level1.2 Matter Volatile at 105C0.2 % m/m1.3 Insoluble Impurities0.05 % m/m1.4 Soap Content 0.005 % m/m1.5 Iron (Fe):Refined oils1.5 mg/kgVirgin oils5.0 mg/kg1.6 Copper (Cu)Refined oils0.1 mg/kgVirgin oils0.4 mg/kg1.7 Acid ValueRefined oils 0.6 mg KOH/g OilCold pressed and virgin oils 4.0 mg KOH/g OilVirgin palm oils10.0 mg KOH/g Oil1.8 Peroxide Value:Refined oilsup to 10 milliequivalents of active oxygen/kg oilCold pressed and virgin oils up to 15 milliequivalents of active oxygen/kg oil2. COMPOSITION CHARACTERISTICS2.1 The arachidic and higher fatty acid content ofarachis oil should not exceed 48g/kg.2.2 The Reichert values for coconut, palmkernel and babassu oils should be in the ranges 6-8.5, 4-7 and4.5-6.5, respectively.2.3 The Polenske values for coconut, palmkernel and babassu oils should be in the ranges 13-18, 8-12 and 8-10,respectively.2.4 The Halphen test for cottonseed oil shouldbe positive.2.5 The erythrodiol content of grapeseed oilshould be more than 2% of the total sterols.2.6 The total carotenoids (as beta-carotene) forunbleached palm oil, unbleached palm olein and unbleached palmstearin should be in the range 500-2000, 550-2500 and 300-1500 mg/kg,respectively.2.7 The Crismer value for low erucic acid rapeseedoil should be in the range 67-70.2.8 The concentration of brassicasterol in lowerucic acid rapeseed oil should be greater than 5% of totalsterols.2.9 The Baudouin test should be positive forsesameseed oil.3. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSChemical and Physical Characteristics are given in Table2.4. IDENTITY CHARACTERISTICS4.1 Levels of desmethylsterols in vegetable oils as apercentage of total sterols are given in Table 3.4.2 Levels of tocopherols and tocotrienols in vegetableoils are given in Table 4.5. METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING5.1 Determination of Matter Volatile at105CAccording to IUPAC 2.601 or ISO 662: 1998.5.2 Determination of Insoluble ImpuritiesAccording to IUPAC 2.604 or ISO 663: 2000.5.3 Determination of Soap ContentAccording to BS 684 Section Determination of Copper and IronAccording to ISO 8294: 1994, IUPAC 2.631 or AOAC 990.05 orAOCS Ca 18b-91.5.5 Determination of Relative DensityAccording to IUPAC 2.101, with the appropriate conversionfactor.5.6 Determination of Apparent DensityAccording to ISO 6883: 2000 with the appropriate conversionfactor or AOCS Cc 10c-95.5.7 Determination of Refractive IndexAccording to IUPAC 2.102 or ISO 6320: 2000 or AOCS Ce7-25.5.8 Determination of Saponification Value(SV)According to IUPAC 2.202 or ISO 3657: 1988.5.9 Determination of Iodine Value (IV)Wijs - according to IUPAC 2.205/1, ISO 3961: 1996, AOAC993.20, or AOCS Cd 1d-92 (97), or by calculation - AOCS Cd 1b-87 (97). Themethod to be used for specific named vegetable oils is stipulated in theStandard.5.10 Determination of Unsaponifiable MatterAccording to IUPAC 2.401 (part 1-5) or ISO 3596: 2000 or ISO18609: 2000.5.11 Determination of Peroxide Value (PV)According to IUPAC 2.501 (as amended), AOCS Cd 8b - 90 (97) orISO 3961: 1998.5.12 Determination of Total CarotenoidsAccording to BS 684 Section Determination of AcidityAccording to IUPAC 2.201 or ISO 660: 1996 or AOCS Cd3d-63.5.14 Determination of Sterol ContentAccording to ISO 12228:1999, or IUPAC 2.403.5.15 Determination of Tocopherol ContentAccording to IUPAC 2.432 or ISO 9936: 1997 or AOCS Ce8-89.5.16 Halphen TestAccording to AOCS Cb 1-25 (97).5.17 Crismer ValueAccording to AOCS Cb 4-35 (97) and AOCS Ca 5a-40(97).5.18 Baudouin Test (modified Villavecchia test orsesameseed oil test)According to AOCS Cb 2-40 (97).5.19 Reichert Value and Polenske ValueAccording to IUPAC 2.204.Table 2: Chemical and physical characteristics of crudevegetable oils (see Appendix of the Standard) Arachis oil Babassu oil Coconut oil Cottonseed oil Grapeseed oil Maize oil Mustardseed oil Palm oil Palm kernelRelative density (xºC/water at20ºC)0.912-0.920x=20ºC0.914-0.917x=25ºC0.908-0.921x=40ºC0.918-0.926x=20ºC0.920-0.926x=20ºC0.917-0.925x=20ºC0.910-0.921x=20ºC0.891-0.899x=50ºC0.899-0.914x=40ºCApparent density (g/ml)0.889-0.895 (50ºC)Refractive index (ND 40ºC)1.460-1.465 1.448-1.451 1.448-1.4501.458-1.4661.467-1.477 1.465-1.4681.461-1.469 1.454-1.456 at 50ºC1.448-1.452 Saponification value (mg KOH/g oil)187-196245-256248-265189-198188-194187-195168-184190-209230-254Iodine value 86-10710-186.3-10.6100-123 128-150103-13592-12550.0-55.014.1-21.0Unsaponifiable matter (g/kg) 10 12 15 15 20 28 15 12 10Stable carbon isotope ratio * -13.71 to-16.36 Palm olein Palm stearin Rapeseed oil Rapeseed oil (low erucic acid) Safflowerseed oil Safflowerseed oil (high oleic acid) Sesameseed oil Soyabean oil Sunflowerseed oil Sunflowerseed oil (high oleic acid)Relative density (xº C/water at 20ºC)0.899-0.920x=40ºC0.881-0.891x=60ºC0.910-0.920x=20ºC0.914-0.920x=20ºC0.922-0.927x=20ºC0.913-0.919x=20oC;0.910-0.916x=25oC 0.915-0.924x=20ºC0.919-0.925x=20ºC0.918-0.923x=20ºC0.909-0.915=25oCApparent density (g/ml)0896-0.898 at 40ºC0.881-0.885 at 60ºC0.912-0.914 at 20CRefractive index (ND 40ºC)1.458-1.4601.447-1.452 at 60ºC1.465-1.469 1.465-1.4671.467-1.4701.460-1.464 at 40oC; 1.466-1.470 at 25oC1.465-1.4691.466-1.4701.461-1.4681.467-1.471 at 25oCSaponification value (mg KOH/g oil)194-202193-205168-181182-193186-198186-194 186-195189-195188-194 182-194Iodine value 56 4894-120105-126136-14880-100104-120 124-139118-141 78-90Unsaponifiable matter (g/kg) 13 9 20 20 15 10 20 15 15 15* See the following publications:Woodbury SP, Evershed RP and Rossell JB(1998). Purity assessments of major vegetable oils based on gamma 13C values ofindividual fatty acids. JAOCS, 75 (3), 371-379.Woodbury SP, Evershed RP and Rossell JB(1998). Gamma 13C analysis of vegetable oil, fatty acid components, determinedby gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry, aftersaponification or regiospecific hydrolysis. Journal of Chromatography A,805, 249-257.Woodbury SP, Evershed RP, Rossell JB,Griffith R and Farnell P (1995). Detection of vegetable oil adulteration usinggas chromatography combustion / isotope ratio mass spectrometry. AnalyticalChemistry 67 (15), 2685-2690.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries andFood (1996). Authenticity of single seed vegetable oils. Working Party on FoodAuthenticity, MAFF, UK.Table 3: Levels of desmethylsterols in crude vegetable oilsfrom authentic samples[3] as a percentageof total sterols (see Appendix 1 of the Standard) Arachis oil Babassu oil Coconut oil Cottonseed oil Grapeseed oil Maize oil Palm oil Palm kernel oilCholesterolND-3.81.2-1.7ND-3.00.7-2.3ND-0.50.2-0.62.6-6.70.6-3.7BrassicasterolND-0.2ND-0.3ND-0.30.1-0.3ND-0.2ND-0.2NDND-0.8Campesterol12.0-19.817.7-18.76.0-11.26.4-14.57.5-14.016.0-24.118.7-27.58.4-12.7Stigmasterol5.4-13.28.7-9.211.4-15.62.1-6.87.5-12.04.3-8.08.5-13.912.0-16.6Beta-sitosterol47.4-69.048.2-53.932.6-50.776.0-87.164.0-70.054.8-66.650.2-62.162.6-73.1Delta-5-avenasterol5.0-18.816.9-20.420.0-40.71.8-7.31.0-3.51.5-8.2ND-2.81.4-9.0Delta-7-stigmastenolND-5.1NDND-3.0ND-1.40.5-3.50.2-4.20.2-2.4ND-2.1Delta-7-avenasterolND-5.50.4-1.0ND-3.00.8-3.30.5-1.50.3-2.7ND-5.1ND-1.4OthersND-1.4NDND-3.6ND-1.5ND-5.1ND-2.4NDND-2.7 Total sterols (mg/kg)900-2900500-800400-12002700-64002000-70*007000-22100300-700700-1400 Rapeseed oil (low erucic acid) Safflowerseed oil Safflowerseed oil (high oleic acid) Sesameseed oil Soyabean oil Sunflowerseed oil Sunflowerseed oil (high oleic acid)CholesterolND-1.3ND-0.7ND-0.50.1-0.50.2-1.4ND-0.7ND-0.5Brassicasterol5.0-13.0ND-0.4ND-2.20.1-0.2ND-0.3ND-0.2ND-0.3Campesterol24.7-38.69.2-13.38.9-19.910.1-20.015.8-24.26.5-13.05.0-13.0Stigmasterol0.2-1.04.5-9.62.9-8.93.4-12.014.9-19.16.0-13.04.5-13.0Beta-sitosterol45.1-57.940.2-50.640.1-66.957.7-61.947.0-6050-7042.0-70Delta-5-avenasterol2.5-6.6 0.8-4.80.2-8.96.2-7.81.5-3.7ND-6.91.5-6.9Delta-7-stigmastenolND-1.313.7-24.63.4-16.40.5-7.61.4-5.26.5-24.06.5-24.0Delta-7-avenasterolND-0.8 2.2-6.3ND-8.31.2-5.61.0-4.63.0-7.5ND-9.0OthersND-4.20.5-6.44.4-11.90.7-9.2ND-1.8ND-5.33.5-9.5Total sterols (mg/kg)4500-113002100-46002000-4100 4500-190001800-45002400-50001700-5200ND - Non-detectable, defined as 0.05%Table 4: Levels of tocopherols and tocotrienols in crudevegetable oils from authentic samples[4](mg/kg) (see Appendix 1 of the Standard)Arachis oilBabassu oilCoconut oilCottonseed oilGrapeseed oilMaize oilPalm oilPalm kernel oilAlpha-tocopherol49-373NDND-17136-67416-3823-5734-193ND-44Beta-tocopherolND-41NDND-11ND-29ND-89ND-356ND-234ND-248Gamma-tocopherol88-389NDND-14138-746ND-73268-2468ND-526ND-257Delta-tocopherolND-22NDNDND-21ND-423-75ND-123NDAlpha-tocotrienolND25-46ND-44ND18-107ND-2394-336NDGamma-tocotrienolND32-80ND-1ND115-205ND-45014-710ND-60Delta-tocotrienolND9-10NDNDND-3.2ND-20 ND-377NDTotal (mg/kg)170-130060-130ND-50380-1200240-410 330-3720150-1500ND-260 Rapeseed oil (low erucic acid) Safflowerseed oil Safflowerseed oil (high oleic acid) Sesameseed oil Soyabean oil Sunflowerseed oil Sunflowerseed oil (high oleic acid)Alpha-tocopherol100-386234-660234-660ND-3.39-352403-935400-1090Beta-tocopherolND-140ND-17ND-13NDND-36ND-4510-35Gamma-tocopherol189-753ND-12ND-44521-98389-2307ND-343-30Delta-tocopherolND-22NDND-64-21154-932ND-7.0ND-17Alpha-tocotrienolNDNDNDND ND-69NDNDGamma-tocotrienolND ND-12ND-10ND-20 ND-103NDNDDelta-tocotrienolNDNDNDNDNDNDNDTotal (mg/kg)430-2680240-670250-700 330-1010600-3370440-1520450-1120ND - Non-detectable.Note: Maize oil also contains ND-52 mg/kg betatocotrienol. Codex Standard for Olive Oil, Virginand Refined and for Refined Olive-Pomace Oil (CODEX STAN 33-1981, Rev.1-1989)[5]1. SCOPEThis Standard applies to virgin olive oil, refined olive oil,refined olive-pomace oil, blends of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil andblends of refined olive-pomace oil and virgin olive oil.2. DESCRIPTION2.1 Olive oil is the oil obtained from the fruitof the olive tree (0lea europaea sativa Hoffm. et Link) without havingbeen subjected to manipulation or any treatment not authorized by sub-sections2.2 and 2.3 of this Standard.2.2 Virgin olive oil is the oil obtained fromthe fruit of the olive tree by mechanical or other physical means underconditions, particularly thermal, which do not lead to alteration of the oil.Virgin olive oil is an oil which is suitable for consumption in the naturalstate.2.3 Refined olive oil is the oil obtained fromvirgin olive oil, the acid content and/or organoleptic characteristics of whichrender it unsuitable for consumption in the natural state, by means of refiningmethods which do not lead to alterations in the initial glyceridicstructure.2.4 Refined olive-pomace oil is the oil obtainedfrom “olive pomace” by extraction by means of solvents and made edibleby means of refining methods which do not lead to alteration in the initialglyceridic structure.3. ESSENTIAL COMPOSITION AND QUALITYFACTORS[6]3.1 Identity Characteristics (under normal ecologicalconditions)[7]3.1.1 GLC ranges of fatty acid composition (% m/m of methylesters)Lauric acid(C 12:0)Not present in discernible amountsMyristic acid(C 14:0)Palmitic acid(C 16:0)7.5 - 20.0Palmitoleic acid(C 16:1)0.3 - 3.5Heptadecanoic acid(C 17:0)Heptadecenoic acid(C 17:1)Stearic acid(C 18:0)0.5 - 5.0Oleic acid(C 18:1)55.0 - 83.0Linoleic acid (C 18:2) 3.5 - 21.0Linolenic acid(C 18:3)Arachidic acid(C 20:0)Behenic acid(C 22:0)Erucic acid(C 22:1)Not present in discernible amountsLignoceric acid (C 24:0)3.1.2 Physical and chemical indices3.1.2.1 Relative density (20oC/water at20oC) Virgin olive oil ) 0.910 - 0.916 Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil ) Refractive index(nD20) Virgin olive oil ) 1.4677 - 1.4705 Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil 1.4680 - 1.4707 Saponification value (mg KOH/g oil) Virgin olive oil ) 184 - 196 Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil 182 - 193 Iodine value (Wijs) Virgin olive oil ) 75 - 94 Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil 75 - 92 Unsaponifiable matter (using lightpetroleum) Virgin olive oil ) not more than 15 g/kg[8] Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil not more than 30 g/kg[9] Bellier index Virgin olive oil not more than 17[10] Refined olive oil Refined olive-pomace oil not applicable Semi-siccative oil test Virgin olive oil ) negative Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil ) 0live-pomace oil test Virgin olive oil ) negative Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil not relevant Cottonseed oil test Virgin olive oil ) negative Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil ) Teaseed oil test Virgin olive oil ) negative Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil ) Sesameseed oil tests Virgin olive oil ) negative Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil ) Sterol content (% of the sum of beta-sitosterol,campesterol and stigmasterol)[11] Beta-sitosterol Campesterol Cholesterol Virgin olive oil ) 93 4.0 0.5 Refined olive oil ) Refined olive-pomace oil ) Saturated fatty acids at position 2Maximum levelVirgin olive oil 1.5% m/mRefined olive oil1.8% m/mBlends of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil 1.8% m/mRefined olive-pomace oil2.2% m/mBlends of refined olive-pomace oil and virgin oliveoil2.0% m/mThe saturated fatty acids at position 2 means the sum of thepalmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) acids expressed as a percentage (m/m) of thetotal fatty acids at position 2.3.2 Quality Characteristics3.2.1 Colour, odour and tasteVirgin olive oil: Clear oil, of a yellow to green colour, withspecific odour and taste, free from odours or tastes indicating alteration orpollution of oil.Refined olive oil: Clear oil, limpid without sediment, ofclear yellow colour without specific odour or taste and free from odours ortastes indicating alteration or pollution of the oil.Refined olive-pomace oil: Clear oil, limpid, without sediment,of a yellow to yellow-brown colour, without specific odour or taste and freefrom odours or tastes indicating alteration or pollution of the oil.Blends: The colour, odour and taste shall be intermediatebetween those of two types blended.3.2.2 Free acidityAcidity maximum %m/m expressed as oleic acidAcid value maximummg KOH/g oilVirgin olive oil 3.36.6Refined olive oil0.30.6Refined olive-pomace oil0.30.6Blendsl. Peroxide value (in milliequivalents peroxideoxygen/kg oil)Virgin olive oil 20Refined olive oil 10Refined olive-pomace oil10Blends 203.2.4 Specific extinction in ultra-violet Extinction (E)maximum at 232 nm Extinction (E)maximum at 270 nm D Emaximum variation at near 270 nmVirgin olive oil 3.500.30[12]Refined olive oil-1.100.16Refined olive-pomace oil6.002.000.20Blends of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil-0.900.15Blends of refined olive-pomace oil and virgin oliveoil5.501.700.184. FOOD ADDITIVES Maximum level 4.1 Virgin olive oil None permitted 4.2 Refined olive oil ) Alpha-tocopherol for the purpose of restoring natural tocopherol lost in processing 200 mg/kg total alpha-tocopherol in the final product Refined olive-pomace oil ) Blends ) 5. CONTAMINANTS5.1Matter volatile at 105oCVirgin olive oil 0.2% m/mRefined olive oil 0.1% m/mRefined olive-pomace oil 0.1% m/mBlends 0.1% m/m5.2Insoluble impuritiesVirgin olive oil 0.1% m/mRefined olive oil 0.05% m/mRefined olive-pomace oil 0.05% m/mBlends 0.05% m/m5.3Soap TestRefined olive oil)Refined olive-pomace oil)negativeVirgin olive oil)Virgin olive oil )not applicableBlends )6. HYGIENEIt is recommended that the product covered by the provisionsof this Standard be prepared in accordance with the appropriate Sections of theGeneral Principle of Food Hygiene recommended by the Codex AlimentariusCommission (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997).7. LABELLINGIn addition to the provisions of the General Standard for theLabelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev. 1-1991), the followingprovisions shall apply.7.1 Name of the Food7.1.1 All products designated as “olive oil” shallconform to the provisions of this Standard for virgin olive or refined olive oiland shall be either virgin olive oil, refined olive oil or a blend of refinedolive oil and virgin olive oil.7.1.2 All products designated as “virgin olive oil”shall conform to the provisions for virgin olive oil.7.1.3 All products designated as “refined olive oil”shall conform to the provisions for refined olive oil.7.1.4 All products designated as “refined olive-pomaceoil” shall conform to the provisions for refined-pomace oil.7.1.5 Refined olive-pomace oil shall in no case be describedas “olive oil” but shall always be designated as “refinedolive-pomace oil”.7.1.6 Blends of refined olive-pomace oil and virgin olive oilshall be described as “olive-pomace oil”.7.2 Labelling of Non-retail ContainersIn addition to the provisions of the General Standard for theLabelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev. 1-1991), the followingprovisions shall apply to outer containers of a number of prepackaged containersof the products covered by the Standard.Information on the above labelling requirements shall be giveneither on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name ofthe food, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer orpacker shall appear on the container.However, lot identification and the name and address of themanufacturer or packer may be replaced by an identification mark, provided thatsuch a mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.8. METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING8.1 Determination of Fatty Acid CompositionAccording to IUPAC 2.301, 2.302 and 2.304 or ISO 5508:1990/5509: 1999.8.2 Determination of Relative DensityAccording to IUPAC 2.101, with the appropriate conversionfactor. Results are expressed as relative density at 20oC/water at20oC.8.3 Determination of Refractive IndexAccording to IUPAC 2.102.Results are expressed as the refractive index relative to thesodium D-line at 20ºC.8.4 Determination of Saponification ValueAccording to IUPAC 2.202.Results are expressed in mg KOH/g oil.8.5 Determination of Iodine ValueAccording to IUPAC 2.205/1, Wijs method, or ISO3961:1996Results are expressed as % m / m absorbed iodine.8.6 Determination of Unsaponifiable MatterAccording to IUPAC 2.401 (part 1-5). Results are expressed asg unsaponifiable matter/kg oil.8.7 Determination of Bellier Index (CAC/RM20-1970)DefinitionThe Bellier Index of an oil is the temperature at whichprecipitation of salts of the fatty acids of this oil commences, when the oilhas been saponified and made into solution as described underProcedure.ReagentsThe reagents used shall be of recognized analytical reagentquality.- Aqueous ethanolic potassium hydroxidesolution.- 42.5 g of pure KOH is dissolved in 72ml of distilled water and adjusted to 500 ml with 95% v/v ethanol.- 70% v/v ethanol solution (use pure ethanol or rectifiedspirit).Aqueous acetic acid solution 1+2 (by volume) so adjusted that1.5 ml exactly neutralizes (phenolphthalein indicator) 5 ml of the aqueousethanolic potassium hydroxide solution ( 220 mm x 26-27 mm test tubes.- Condenser consisting of a glass tube with stopper.- Thermometer graduated in 1/4 from 8 to 25C,fixed in a stopper.Preparation of SampleTo remove water, the oil is decanted and filtered throughpaper at a temperature slightly above the melting point of certain solidconstituents which could separate from the fluid fatty matter.ProcedurePlace 1 ml of oil and 5 ml of the aqueous ethanolic KOHsolution into a test tube. Connect to condenser and heat moderately, agitatingby rotation from time to time until saponification is completed, i.e. until aperfectly clear solution in obtained. Allow to cool, disconnect condenser andadd 1.5 ml of the aqueous acetic acid solution and 50 ml of the ethanolsolution. Attach thermometer and homogenize. Place test tube in a beaker ofwater at 23-25C. If a flocculent precipitate forms, leave standing for anhour at the same temperature and filter into a test tube. Attachthermometer to the test tube containing the clear solution. Place for a momentin a beaker of water at about 10C less than the estimated Bellier index.Withdraw and ensure even temperature by inverting a number of times (coolingshould be at the rate of about 1C per minute). Repeat this operationuntil cloudiness appears. Note temperature. Allow the temperature toincrease a few degrees to dissolve the precipitate. Homogenize by inverting testtube over and cool. The cooling should be slow and shaking more frequent as thetemperature approaches that noted the first time.Expression of ResultsThe Bellier index is the temperature C at which thecloudiness reappears.RepeatabilityTwo parallel determinations may not differ by more than0.25C.8.8 Semi-siccative Oil Tests (CAC/RM 21-1970)Principle of MethodBased on the reaction between semi-siccative (unsaturated)oils and bromine yielding substances which form an insoluble precipitate at0C.ReagentsThe reagents shall be of recognized analytical reagentquality.- Hexane, or, if not available, light petroleumwith distillation point between 40 and 60C and bromine value lessthan 1, free of residues.- Bromine reagent obtained by adding dropby drop while shaking 4 ml of chemically pure bromine (the presence of chlorineprevents the reaction) into 100 ml of hexane or light petroleum, chilled to0C and kept in the melting ice bath until required.Apparatus- Stoppered 50-ml Erlenmeyer flask.- Bath of melting ice.ProcedureThe oil to be tested is filtered and dried. Place 1 ml of theoil in the previously dried Erlenmeyer flask and dissolve in 10 ml of hexane.Place the stoppered Erlenmeyer flask in the melting ice bath. After 5 min add 10ml of bromine reagent in small quantities at a time, while shaking andmaintaining the temperature at 0C. The colour of the solution must clearlyindicate excess bromine. Leave the Erlenmeyer flask in the melting ice bath forone hour, after which note appearance of solution. If semi-siccative oil ispresent, a flocculent precipitate will form varying in quantity according to thepercentage of adulteration and the nature of the adulterating oil. The solutionremains clear and transparent in the case of genuine olive oils.Expression of ResultsThe result is expressed as positive or negative.8.9 Olive-Pomace Oil Test (CAC/RM 22-1970)Principle of MethodBased on the temperature of precipitation of salts of thefatty acids after saponification.ReagentsThe reagents used shall be of recognized analytical reagentquality.- Aqueous ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution.42.5 g of pure KOH is dissolved in 72 ml of distilled water and adjusted to 500ml with 95% v/v ethanol.- 70% v/v ethanol solution (use pure ethanol or rectifiedspirit).- Aqueous acetic acid solution 1+2 (byvolume) so adjusted that 1.5 ml exactly neutralizes (phenolphthalein indicator)5 ml of the aqueous ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution.Apparatus- 100 m1 balloon-flask equipped with refluxcondenser.- 50 ml test tubes.- Heating arrangement to keep balloon-flask at about80C.- Thermometer graduated from 15 to 60C.Preparation of SampleTo remove water, the oil is decanted and filtered throughpaper at a temperature slightly above the melting point of certain solidconstituents which could separate from the fluid fatty matter.ProcedurePlace about 1 g of the oil, prepared as above, into theballoon-flask. Add 5 ml of aqueous ethanol potassium hydroxide solution. Attachcondenser and bring to boil holding at this temperature for 10 minutes, shakingfrom time to time. Allow to cool at ambient temperature. Add 1.5 ml of aceticacid solution and 50 ml of ethanol solution previously heated to 50C. Mixby shaking, introduce thermometer and allow to cool, noting the appearance ofthe solution once 45C in reached. If a flocculent precipitate forms at atemperature above 40C, the test is positive. Allow to cool to ambienttemperature (not lower than 18C) over at least 12 hours. Observe solutionagain; the formation of a flocculent precipitate, floating in the middle of theliquid also indicates that the test is positive. A cloudiness not forming intoflakes does not indicate the presence of olive-pomace oil.Expression of ResultsThe result is expressed as positive or negative.NOTE: On rare occasions some virgin oliveoils, obtained by second pressing, yield a positive result.8.10 Cottonseed Oil Test (CAC/RM 23-1970)Principle of MethodBased on red colour developed by cyclo-propenoic acids underthe operating conditions in the presence of sulphur.ReagentsThe reagents used shall be of recognized analyticalquality.Sulphur reagents: Mix equal volumes of amyl alcohol and asolution of 1 g of sulphur in 100 ml of carbon disulphide.Apparatus- 250 mm x 25 mm test tubes.- Water bath with constant temperature control.- Heating apparatus to keep the test tubes at110o-120o C.ProcedurePlace approximately 10 ml of the oil under examination into atest tubes add the same volume of sulphur reagent; shake and keep in water bathat 70- 80C, shaking until the carbon disulphide has completelyevaporated (generally 5 minutes are enough), which is confirmed by theappearance of slight fuming above the liquid. Transfer the test tube to theheating apparatus and keep at 110- 120C for 2.hours. A red, or pinkcolour indicates the presence of cottonseed oil. However, the appearance of anorange colour must not be interpreted as being proof of the presence ofcottonseed oil.Expression of ResultsThe result in expressed as positive or negative.NOTE: The heating of the cottonseed oil toa temperature above 170C brings about a progressive destruction of thecyclo-propenoic acid responsible for the coloration. This destruction inpractically complete at 200C.8.11 Teaseed Oil Test (CAC/RM 24-1970)Principle of MethodBased on Fitelson (modified Lieberman-Burchard) tests i.e. redcolour developed by acetic anhydride in the presence of sulphuric acid inchloroform solution of the oil.ReagentsThe reagents used shall be of recognised analyticalquality.- Chloroform- Concentrated sulphuric acid (d = 1.84)- Acetic anhydride- Diethyl oxideApparatus- 150 mm x 15 mm test tubes.- 2 ml pipette, graduated in tenths.- Dropper so calibrated that 7drops of oil weigh approximately 0.22 g.- Water bath at 5oC.ProcedureUsing the graduated pipette, place 0.8 ml of acetic anhydride,1.5 ml of chloroform and 0.2 ml of sulphuric acid in a test tube. Cool to5C, then add approximately 0.22 g of oil. If cloudiness appears add aceticanhydride drop by drop with shaking until the solution becomes clear.Keep at 5C for 5 minutes. Add 10 ml of diethyl oxidepreviously cooled to 5C. Stopper the test tube and mix immediatelyby inverting it twice. Return the test tube to the bath at 5C andobserve the colour. After about one minute a red colour will appear if tea oilis present.Expression of ResultsThe result is expressed as positive or negative.NOTE: A pink colour shall be regarded asnegative, since some olive oils yield this colour.8.12 Sesameseed Oil Tests (CAC/RM 25-1970)Principle of MethodBased on the detection of sesamoline, a glycoside, andsesamine, a complex cyclic ether, which are present in small amounts insesameseed oil.8.12.1 Detection of SesamolineReagentsThe reagents used shall be of recognized analyticalquality.- Concentrated hydrochloric acid (d =1.18).- Solution of 2% v/v freshly distilled furfural in 95% v/vethanol.ApparatusGraduated 50-m1 stoppered test tube.ProcedurePlace 10 ml of the oil and 10 ml of conc. hydrochloric acid inthe graduated test tube. Stopper and shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Allow tostand. Add 0.5 ml of the solution of furfural. Stopper and shake again. Allow tostand until decantation. If the lower layer does not turn red, the test isnegative. If a red coloration appears, add 10 ml of water and shake gently andallow the liquid to settle. If the coloration disappears, the test is negative.If the coloration remains, the test is positive. Refined sesame oils do notalways give a positive reaction by this method.Expression of ResultsThe result is expressed as positive or negative.8.12.2 Detection of SesamineReagentsThe reagents used shall be of recognized analyticalquality.- Concentrated sulphuric acid (d =1.84).- Solution of freshly distilled furfural in acetic anhydride,0.35/ml v/v.Apparatus- 25-ml, stoppered graduated test tube.- Decanting beaker approximately 50-ml.- Flat-bottomed porcelain dish approximately 60 mm indiameter.ProcedurePlace 10 ml of the oil and 5 ml of the solution of furfural inthe test tube. Stopper and shake vigorously for approximately one minute. Pourthe mixture into the decanting beaker and allow to settle. Transfer a portion ofthe deposit into the dish and add 6 or 7 drops of sulphuric acid. Mix by shakingthe dish gently.The test is positive if a greenish-blue colour appears. Sesameoils, even when refined, give a positive reaction.Expression of ResultsThe result is expressed as positive or negative.8.13 Determination of the Sterol ContentAccording to IUPAC 2.403.Results expressed as % of the sum of beta-sitosterol,campesterol and stigmasterol.8.14 Determination of the Fatty Acids in the 2PositionAccording to the IUPAC method (1979, 6th edition) no. 2.210.“Determination of the Fatty Acids in the 2-position in the Triglycerides ofOils and Fats”.The saturated fatty acids at position 2 means the sum ofpalmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) acids expressed as a percentage m/m of thetotal fatty acids at position 2.8.15 Determination of Free AcidityAccording to IUPAC 2.201.Results are expressed as % m/m oleic acid and/or as the numberof mg KOH required to neutralize 1 g oil.8.16 Determination of Peroxide ValueAccording to IUPAC 2.501 or ISO 3960:1998Results expressed as milliequivalents activeoxygen/kg.8.17 Determination of Specific Extinction in Ultra-Violet(CAC/RM 26-1970)Principle of MethodThe degree of oxidation of olive oil is reflected by itsspecific extinction at 232 nm and 270 nm. In fact, virgin olive oils, of goodquality and correctly stored, contain very few products of oxidation; thesemainly peroxidic in nature, have a maximum absorption at approximately 232 nm.The values of E ë, at 232 and 270 nm in such olive oils are below themaximum provided for in the standard. On the other hand, when the oil is treatedwith a decolourising agent (i.e. an absorbent earth) during the refiningprocess, conjugated trienoic compounds are formed. These compounds have amaximum absorption situated at approximately 270 nm; this means that refinedoils have higher values of E l at 270nm.NOTE: Measurement of specific extinction inultra-violet is essentially a measurement of the state of alteration of the oil.It is not specifically a measurement of the refining. In some particular cases,abnormally altered virgin oils can show spectral characteristics close to thoseof refined oils.Reagents- Spectrophotometrically pure cyclohexane: Minimumtransmittance at 220 nm: 40% and minimum transmittance at 250 nm: 95% bycomparison with distilled water.- Basic alumina of known gradeBasic alumina of Brockmann grade 1 (0% water) is obtained byheating for 3 hours at 380-400ºC basic alumina (chromatographic quality) ofparticle size 30? to 130 ì (mean 80 ì). To 100g of this productadd 5 ml of distilled water to produce basic alumina of Brockmann grade close toIV.NOTE: Method used to check the activityindex of the alumina.Place 30 g of the basic alumina (as obtained above) in achromatographic column, 450 mm long with a diameter of 35mm; through this columnpass, under the conditions laid down in the method, a mixture of 95% virginolive oil, having a specific extinction coefficient below 0.18 at 270 nm, and of5% arachis oil previously treated, during the refining process, withdecolourising agent (absorbent earth) and having a specific extinctioncoefficient equal to or above 4 at 270 nm. If this mixture shows a specificextinction coefficient greater than 0.11, the activity of the alumina isacceptable. Should the elution of conjugated trienes not have taken place usingthis alumina, an alumina at a higher hydration should be used after verifyingthat it agrees with the preceding test.Apparatus- Ultra-violet spectrophotometer for measurementsbetween 210 and 300 nm.- Quartz cells of 1cm thickness.- 50-ml and 500-ml volumetric flasks.- Chromatographic column, 450 mm long with a diameter of 35mm.Adjustment of Spectrophotometer: dissolve 0.2 g of drypotassium chromate in exactly 1 litre of a 0.05 N solution of potassiumhydroxide. Place exactly 25 ml of this solution in a 500-ml flask and bring upto the 500-ml mark with the 0.05 N solution of potassium hydroxide. Determinethe optical density of this latter solution by comparison with the 0.05 Nsolution of potassium hydroxide as a reference solution, in a 1 cm cell. This,at 275 nm should be 0.200 0.005.ProcedureIf the oil is not completely clear at ambient temperature,filter before attempting measurements. Place approximately 0.5 g, weighedaccurately, of the oil in the 50-ml flask. Add the cyclohexane up to the markand shake. Fill a cell with this solution and measure the optical density usingthe cyclohexane as a reference solution. Make determinations at 232 and 270 nm.Determine, in the region of 270 nm, the wavelength of the maximum absorptionlm and determine the optical density atlm nm, lm-4 nm and lm +4 nm.Calculation and Expression of ResultsCalculation of Specific Extinction at 232 and 270nmwhere:E l = specificextinction at wavelength l nmA l = optical density atwavelength l nmc = concentration of the test solution ing/100 mll = thickness of the cell in cmNOTE: If the optical density is less than0.2, re-measure with a more concentrated solution. If it is more than 0.8,re-measure with a weaker solution.Calculation of the variation of the specific extinction atthe wavelength of maximum absorption near 270nmWhere:DE = variation ofspecific extinction at l mE lm= specificextinction at the wavelength of maximum adsorption near 270 nm.E lm-4 and Elm+4 = specific extinctions at wavelengthsplus l m plus or minus 4 nm.Additional procedure for determination of the specificextinction after passage through aluminaPlace 30 g of basic alumina (as in the reagents sectionearlier) in a chromatography column approximately 450 mm long and 35 mm indiameter, furnished with a draining tube of about 10 mm diameter. Pack thealumina mechanically by repeatedly tapping the column, held vertically, on awooden surface. Place in the column thus prepared 100 ml of a solution of 10 %oil in hexane. Collect the drainings and evaporate the solvent in a vacuum atless than 25C. Using the oil so obtained, immediately determine thespecific extinction at 270 nm, as previously described.8.18 Determination of Alpha-TocopherolAccording to IUPAC 2.404 “Identification anddetermination of tocopherols”, method A.Results are expressed as mg tocopherol/kg oil.8.19 Determination of Matter Volatile at105CAccording to IUPAC 2.601 or ISO 662:1998. Results areexpressed as % m/m.8.20 Determination of Insoluble ImpuritiesAccording to the IUPAC 2.604. Results are expressed as %m/m.8.21 Soap Test (CAC/RM 27-1970)Principle of MethodDetection of alkalinity using bromophenol blue asindicator.Reagents- Solution of 0.10 of bromophenol blue in 96ºv/v ethanol.- Freshly distilled acetone, 20 v/v water content.- A few drops of the solution ofbromophenol blue should give a yellow to yellow-green colour to the acetone with2% water.Apparatus150 mm x 15 mm test tube.ProcedurePlace 10 ml of the acetone and 1 drop of the bromophenol bluesolution in a test tube. The solution should have a yellow colour. If not, rinsethe test tube with acetone until the blue colour disappears. Place 10 g of theoil in the test tube, stopper with a clean stopper, shake and allow to settle.The presence of blue colour in the upper acetonic layer indicates the presenceof soap.Expression of ResultsThe result is expressed as positive or negative.[2] Data taken from species aslisted in Section 2.[3] Data taken species aslisted in Section 2[4] Data taken species aslisted in Section 2[5] Formerly CAC/RS33-1970.[6] The limits of essentialcomposition and quality factors of virgin olive oils show very widelyspaced minimum and maximum values, since they take account of the oilcharacteristics of all producing countries. Characteristics and limits ofphysical and chemical indices and values, and of fatty acid composition for thevarious grades of virgin olive oils produced in each olive-growing area,determined at the outset and close of the olive oil production year, arepublished yearly in each producing country’s “National Olive Oil IndexFile”.[7] Samples falling outside theGLC fatty acid ranges are not in compliance with the Standard. Supplementarynon-mandatory criteria may be employed if it is considered necessary to confirmthat a sample is in compliance with the standard.[8] A characteristic feature ofthe unsaponifiable matter in olive oil is its content of squalene, whichis higher than that of the other vegetable oils. Another distinctive feature isthat its sterols are composed of practically pure beta-sitosterol.[9] The unsaponifiable matterof olive-pomace oil contains more alcoholic compounds than that of virginor refined olive oils, and its iodine value is therefore lower than thatnormally noted in virgin or refined olive oils, and its melting point ishigher.[10] Should this index behigher than 17, the content of arachidic, behenic and lignoceric acid shall begiven.[11] Beta-sitosterol asdetermined by the method of analysis specified by the Standard includes D-5 avenasterol since this is not separated frombeta-sitosterol by the column packing material SE30.[12] Oils having a specificextinction at 270 nm exceeding 0.30 may still be regarded as virgin oils if,after passage of the sample through activated alumina, their specific extinctionat 270 nm is less than 0.11. 2ff7e9595c